Our Parents' Association
My name is Alexa Young
Castlebar Primary School has a very active Parents’ Association. The role of a Parents’ Association is to work with the Principal, Staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnership of home and school.
In Castlebar Primary School, the P.A. supports the school through fundraising activities throughout the year and also by providing assistance when requested at various school occasions.
There are two main fundraising events run during the school year. These are the Wizard Walk and 25 Card Drive.
The Wizard Walk is the main fundraising event and takes place on the last Friday before Halloween midterm. This is a fun whole school event where the children (and the school community!) dress up in their Halloween clothes and parade through the streets of Castlebar town. The parents, other schools and local businesses come out to support the children along their sponsored walk. This is a very enjoyable occasion and is one the children look forward to every year!
The Annual 25 Card Drive takes place at the beginning of December in the school hall. This is a fixture on the card circuit with many of the participants travelling from all over Mayo for the occasion. Great cash prizes and lots of spot prizes generously donated by local businesses and parents ensure this is a hugely popular event.
All money raised by these fundraising events goes directly to improving the resources of the school. In recent years the PA has been actively involved in:
upgrading and adding to the schools IT equipment (tablets, laptops etc.)
updating playground equipment and resources
purchasing music resources and instruments
updating science resources
purchasing library books and other classroom equipment/ materials
sensory room resources
All parents are very welcome to attend any of the meetings that take place during the year. All of the activities the PA is involved with go directly into improving the resources and opportunities available to all of the children in the school.
Committee Members 2023/2024
Paudie O' Malley– Chairperson
Michelle Hope – Secretary
Aishling McDonnell - Treasurer